News - Quoted In


The Street
Edition and Date

December 14, 2020

Extreme lockdown measure in Germany are coming up. In the US, hospitalizations keep breaking records. The good news is Pfizer begins shipping its vaccine.

The Wall Street Journal
Edition and Date

December 13, 2020

Mobilization involves factory workers, truck drivers, pilots, dry ice, ultracold freezers and plenty of needles. A lot can go wrong. To work, every one of the many and complicated links of the chain has to hold.

The Wall Street Journal
Edition and Date

December 3, 2020

When Pfizer Inc. said last month it expected to ship half the Covid-19 vaccines it had originally planned for this year, the decision highlighted the challenges drug makers face in rapidly building supply chains to meet the high demand.

Boston 25 News
Edition and Date

November 18, 2020

Whether it’s appliances, groceries, electronics, toys, or hardware supplies, most retailers have been affected in some way by COVID-19′s disruption to the global supply chain... Dr. Yossi Sheffi, an MIT professor who specializes in supply chain management, said reduced air travel is going to impact items imported from overseas, like iPhones and computer chips.

Supply Chain Management Review
Edition and Date

November 9, 2020

Supply chains have been in the spotlight like never before over the last eight months. That hasn’t always been a good thing. The perception, reinforced by shortages of products essential to our daily lives, is that supply chains were not up to the task and failed. 

Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide
Edition and Date

November 2, 2020

The Trump administration’s aggressive stance toward China has compounded uncertainty on U.S.-China trade relations. In considering how the presidential elections may affect the flow of international trade, companies should avoid the accepted wisdom. (Previously Published in the WSJ)

Wall Street Journal: Commentary
Edition and Date

October 31, 2020

The Trump administration’s aggressive stance toward China has compounded uncertainty on U.S.-China trade relations. In considering how the presidential elections may affect the flow of international trade, companies should avoid the accepted wisdom.

CSCMP's Supply Chain Quarterly
Edition and Date

October 8, 2020

Driven by the chaos of the coronavirus pandemic, companies have created “corporate immune systems” to recognize and manage large-scale disruptions quickly, according to a new book from Yossi Sheffi, a supply chain professor at the Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT).

Edition and Date

August 26, 2020

Bloomberg Baystate Business for Wednesday August 26th, 2020. Hear from Professor Yossi Sheffi, director of the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics, on global supply chain concerns, as well as other professionals on various current business topics. 

One Earth Voices
Edition and Date

July 24, 2020

Governments and corporations have an opportunity to lead the transition toward sustainable consumption and production by shifting their purchasing power toward environmentally responsible supply networks. But this will require reliable information on complex global supply networks. What information and decision-support tools do governments and corporations need to galvanize this transition?