Trade and Media Publications


Published Date
April 10, 2020
The Wall Street Journal

As we struggle to come to terms with the scale of the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the most frustrating sights is witnessing front-line health-care workers begging for more masks, protective gowns, testing kits, ventilators and intensive-care beds...The woeful performance of these health-care supply chains raises the question of how such glaring shortages happened. And just as important: How do we ensure that this doesn’t happen again?

Published Date
April 01, 2020
Supply Chain Management Review

The army is made up of distributors’ employees, fulfillment center personnel, logistics planners, pallet manufacturing crews, procurement professionals, transportation brokers, truck drivers, truck stop attendants, warehouse workers, wholesalers, and countless other specialists.

Published Date
March 19, 2020
The Wall Street Journal

Bigger, well-capitalized companies have the financial strength to withstand the rapidly developing downturn, but most other companies are in tougher situations and survival for many will come into question. However, it is not too early for companies to think about how to position themselves for a successful, speedy recovery.

Published Date
February 18, 2020
The Wall Street Journal

As scientists race to develop a cure for the coronavirus, businesses are trying to assess the impact of the outbreak on their own enterprises. Just as scientists are confronting an unknown enemy, corporate executives are largely working blind because the coronavirus could cause supply-chain disruptions that are unlike anything we have seen in the past 70 years.

Published Date
August 23, 2019
The Conversation

At least the hotel chain (Intercontinental Hotels) is responding to consumers’ professed increasing support for green products and services, right?

Some studies find that more than 80% of consumers say they will make personal sacrifices to address social and environmental issues. However, when actually buying goods, consumer support for environmental products largely evaporates.

Published Date
August 01, 2019

Quarterly July-September 2019 Issue pages 30-33

Published Date
May 29, 2019
Port Technology

As the world economy started gathering momentum in 2017 and 2018, the volume of sea-borne trade began trending upward, albeit from a low, following the anemic recovery of the previous decade.

While prospects for the industry are positive in the next few years, trade protectionism and the possibility of trade wars are still concerning.

Published Date
January 11, 2019
The Boston Globe

“Is the bike-lane fever breaking?” None seemed to address the argument. It is unconscionable to restrict the movement of hundreds of thousands of car users in the name of making life more convenient for a few hundred bicyclists.

Published Date
October 29, 2018
Project Syndicate

There are only two ways for the world to avoid what most scientists refer to as disastrous global warming. One way is to stop economic growth, which would be immoral, while the other would require us to deploy our greatest natural resource.

Published Date
September 07, 2018
The Guardian

Warren Buffett said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” It has been more than two decades now since a 1996 issue of Life magazine depicted a Pakistani boy sewing a Nike soccer ball, reportedly for six cents per hour. After the story, the company lost more than half its market capitalisation in just one year – it took Nike six years of demonstrated social responsibility to recuperate.